Modeling and Simulation Area (MSA) has been instrumental with significant contributions in most of the projects completed at CSIR-IIP in the last few decades. Many of these completed projects were transformed into indigenous technologies, and few amongst these were successfully commercialized in refineries. Further, this area has completed several theoretical & review studies that have been crucial towards better process understanding, thus helping the refineries & funding agencies in directing their strategies.
MSA offers services to all divisions of CSIR IIP working in areas of process development for refining and chemical industries. We have a strong team with decent facilities to take up process engineering challenges from small and large scale process industries.
Our Expert R&D Services includes:
- Development of Steady State and Dynamic Simulation models of processes.
- Pinch analysis
- Process synthesis and design
- Process scale-up
- Revamp and retrofitting of refinery’s process
- Processes integration
- Development of Detailed Technology Information Package (TIP)
We have now started diversifying and developing our expertise in new challenging areas as:
- Evaluation of solar-based thermal heating systems and operating strategies for efficient integration of the solar thermal energy in the pulp and paper mill and chemical industries.
- Techno-economic feasibility for the integration of solar energy in pulp and paper mill and chemical industries.
- Development of efficient design and control strategies to improve the performance of non-conventional processes e.g., anaerobic bio-digesters.
- Application of pinch analysis to Pulp and Paper Mills, Sugar Mills, steel and chemical industries.
- Exploring CFD application in process Industries.
Our intent is to keep ourselves technically updated and ready for future problems as and when they come.