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Technical Directorate in the Division operates through three major sub-areas.

Knowledge Resource Centre

Its well known fact that the “Knowledge Resource Centre (KRC)” is an essential part and important tool to be used to update knowledge in Research and Development organisation.

The main objective of Institute KRC is to fulfil the information needs of the employees of the Institute and the petroleum sector at large. The institute KRC has a unique collection and special users.

The KRC of the institute is fully automated with bar-coded document and equipped with modern tools and techniques using LibSys software for information stores and retrievals. It has more than 19,000 books and equal number of bound volumes of periodicals Pertaining to Petroleum Chemistry, Refining and Separation methods of Petroleum, Chemical Technology/Engineering, Analytical Sciences, and Combustion Technology etc. The KRC also has a good number of Technical Reports, Thesis, Patents, Standards, Specifications, Reprints, Microforms, Micro fiche, CD-ROM etc. Currently KRC is subscribing more than 70 scientific periodicals, databases such as Sci- finder, Web of Science and software like Grammarly iThenticate and many more.

The Online Public Access Catalogue is available to the users at their desktops by which one can search the KRC for the desired information. KRC is providing consultation, Reference, Reprographic, Inter library loan, documentation and current awareness services to its readers. A separate database is also maintained in Koha (open source software) and the institute has its institutional repository on DSpace as well.

Reprography Section

The institute has a well established “Reprography Section” equipped with a very good support system. To prepare, compile and bind the monthly, quarterly and Annual report of the institute. It also takes care of all the scientific and technical research report/documents for binding.

Public Relations

Public relations is the practice of dissemination of information between an organization and the public. Public relations is the idea of creating coverage for clients. The aim of public relations is to inform the prospective clients/ stakeholders, collaborators, employees, public and ultimately convene them to retain a positive or favourable views about the organization, its technologies/processes/ products.

The responsibilities of PR group includes managing communication, writing news releases/ other content for news and distribute, coordinating with the press, writing speeches for Director of the institute at various occasions.

The group also involves in arranging interviews for senior scientists, organizing press conferences, managing internal communications, and possible marketing activities like brand awareness and event management.

It also plans and executes various events designed for public outreach and media relations exhibitions. In this way, the public relations group effectively addresses the concerns of institute’s stakeholders using publicity.

Technical Directorate of the institute is also responsible for organizing laboratory visits for the dignitaries/students of universities/schools and for common people.

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