Principal Scientist

BE (Mechanical) | Nagpur University |
MS(by Research) Mechanical engineering | University of Huddersfield, UK |
Ph.D. (Energy Studies) | IIT, Delhi | | |
Telephone No. | +91 – 135-2525874 |
Cell No. | +91 – 9897162552 |
Research Interest
- IC engine emissions, performance evaluations of engine lubricants, fuels alternative fuels through field trials, Alternative fuels for CI engine, steady-state and transient emissions analysis, Soot analysis, Design of experiments (DOE).
Work Experience
Principal Scientist | CSIR Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun (August 2014 – Till now) |
Senior Scientist | CSIR Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun (August 2010 – August 2014) |
Scientist | CSIR Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun (August 2006 – August 2010) |
Junior Scientist | CSIR Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun (August 2002 – August 2006) |
Executive Trainee | Hindustan Aeronautics LTD, Nasik (February 2002 – August 2002) |
Lecturer | College of Military Engineering, Pune (July 2001 – February 2002) |
Trainee | Kinetic Engineering LTD (May 2000 – March 2001) |
Selected Publication
- Combustion and emission characteristics of a light-duty diesel engine fueled with hydro-processed renewable diesel
Devendra Singh, K. A. Subramanian, Rajaram Bal, S P Singh, and R. Badola
Energy, 2018;154:498-507, (IF 5.537 Thomsom Reuters) - A comprehensive review of combustion performance and emission characteristics of a compression ignition engine fueled with hydro-processed renewable diesel
Devendra Singh, K. A. Subramanian, and M. O. Garg
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review, 2018;81:2947-2954, (IF 10.556 Thomsom Reuters) - Determination of polycyclic Aromatic hydrocarbon in Biodiesel Exhaust From Jatropha curcas and Chlorella variables by Gas Chromatography with Flame Ionization Detection
Devendra Singh, Pankaj kannaujjia , and B. Venapatapu
Analytic Latters 2018;51:1204-1320 DOI 10.1080/00032719.1379530 (IF 1.206 Thomsom Reuters) - Investigating the Effect of fuel cetane number, oxygen, density and engine operating variables on NOX emissions of a heavy-duty diesel engine
D Singh, and K. A. Subramanian
Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy, 2017;36:214-221, DOI 10.1002/ep.12439, Wiley publication (IF 1.672) - Friction Reduction Capabilities of Silicate Compounds Used in an Engine Lubricant on Worn Surfaces
Devendra Singh, GD Thakre, L N SivakumarKonathala, and V V D N Prasad
Advances in Tribology, 2016, Article ID 1901493, 9 pages, Hindawi Publishing Corporation. /1901493 - Transient Performance and Emission Characteristics of a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine fueled with Microalgae Chlorella variables and Jatropha curcas Biodiesel
Devendra Singh, S K Singal, M O Garg, P Maiti, Sandhya Mishra, and P K Ghose
Energy conservation and Management, Elsevier, 2015;106:892-900 (IF 4.380) - Emission and Fuel Consumption Characteristics of a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine fueled with Hydropropcesses Renewable Diesel and Biodiesel
Devendra Singh, K. A. Subramanian, and S K Singal,
Energy conservation and Management, Elsevier, 2015;106:892-900 (IF 5.613) - Characterization and Identification of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Diesel Particulate Matter
Devendra Singh, K. A. Subramanian, and S K Singal,
Analytic Letters 2015;48:2303-2318. Taylor and Francis Group LLC DOI 10.1080/00032719.2015.102527 (IF 1.031) - Prediction and Analysis of Engine Friction Power of a Diesel Engine Influenced by Engine Speed, Load, and Lubricant Viscosity
Devendra Singh, FengshouGu, John D Fieldhouse, Nishan Singh, and S K Singal,
Advances in Tribology, 2014, Article ID 928015, 9 pages, Hindawi Publishing Corporation. /928015 - Fuel Economy of SI Vehicle Fueled by Ethanol/Gasoline Blends – Role of Engine Lubricant Viscosity
Devendra Singh, M.K.Shukla, Y.R.Singh, Sath Pal Singh and, Nishan Singh
SAE Paper 2013 -01 -0051 - Investigating the Effect of Operating Variables and Engine Lubricant Viscosity on Engine Friction A DOE Approach
D Singh, J D Fieldhouse, A K Jain, M R Tyagi, and S K Singal
SAE Paper no.2011 -28 -0052 - Effect of Base Oil and Additives on Combustion Chamber and Intake Valve Deposits Formation in I.C. Engine
R L Mendirattaand, Devendra Singh
SAE Paper No. 2004 -28 -0089
Google Scholer Link
- Award of UK India Education and research initiative (UKIERI DST) research award 2008 with grant–in aid of GBP 1.34 lakhs for a collaborative project on Nano material’s use in engine lubricant for better fuel efficiency between CSIR IIP, Dehradun and UoH, UK.
- Award of Indo German collaborative project on Combustion and emissions characteristics of diesel from waste plastics between CSIR IIP, Dehradun and FAU Erlangen, Germany under CSIR BMBF joint research award 2015.
- Successful completion of the consortium project on Material compatibility and emission performance measurement with ethanol-blended gasoline (E20), (Consortium members are ARAI, SIAM, IOC R&D, ACMA, and IIP) funded by DHI, New Delhi.
- Guided two M.Tech students