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Principal Scientist

B Sc | Maths, Physics and Chemistry, Osmania University |
M Sc | Chemistry, Osmania University |
Ph D | Heterogeneous Catalysis, Osmania University |
E Mail | tbhaskar@iip.res.in |
Telephone No. | +91-135 – 2525 820 / 824 / 806 |
Cell No. | +91- 9410 15 1846 |
Personal Webpage | https://thalladabhaskar.weebly.com/ |
Research Interest
- Thermo-catalytic processes for biomass conversion to biofuels
- Functional chemicals from lignocellulosic and algal biomass
- Valorization of lignin
- Design of novel catalytic materials for biomass conversion and bio-oil upgradation
- Waste plastics conversion (e-waste, industrial and municipal)
Work Experience
- Venture Business Laboratory Postdoctoral Fellow (October 2000-September 2002) at Okayama University, Japan.
- Research Associate (Faculty Position at the level of Assistant Professor) (October 2002-February 2007) at Okayama University, Japan.
- Scientist (March 2007-November 2008) at CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun.
- Senior Scientist (November 2008-2012) at CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun.
- Principle Scientist (2012 – till date) at CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun.
- Assistant Professor (December 2013-till date) for Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR) at CSIR-Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun.
Awards and Honours
- VBL Postdoctoral Fellow (2000), Okayama University, Japan
- Japan Science & Technology Fellow (2000)
- IKY Post Doctoral Fellowship by Government of Greece (2000)
- Most Progressive Researcher Award” by the Research Association for Feedstock Recycling of Plastics, Japan (2008)
- JSPS-Visiting Scientist (February-March 2009) at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo
- AIST-Distinguished Researcher Award (January-February 2013) at National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Japan
- CSIR-Raman Research Fellow (2013)
- 3rd National Award for Technology Innovation in Innovation in Polymer Waste Management & Recycling Technology and subcategory of Academics and R&D Institution for the Innovation in Technology to Convert Waste Plastics (Polyolefins) to Automotive Grade Fuel and Petrochemicals” (Team Member)
- Fellow of Biotech Research Society of India (BRSI)
- Board of Governors, BRSI (2013-2015)
- Board of Governors, BRSI (2015-2017)
- Member of the Board of Directors (BRSI)
- General Secretary, Management Council of BRSI (2017-2019).
- Member of Steering Committee on “Biofuels-Current status and R &D roadmap” by TIFAC, DST, India
- Selected for Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Presidents International Fellowship Initiative (PIFI) (2015)
- Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Presidential Fellowship Initiative for 2016
- Fellow, International Bio-Processing Association (FIBA), France (2017).
- Fellow, International Society of Energy, Environment and Sustainability (FISEES), India (2017).
- Scientist of the Year Award (2016) from National Environmental Science Academy, New Delhi
- Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry (2016)
- He is also the Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC in 2016),
- UK, Fellow of Biotech Research Society of India (FBRS in 2012),
- Fellow of International Bioprocessing Association (FIBA in 2017),
- Fellow of Telangana Academy of Sciences (2017)
- Visiting Scientist at SINTEF, Norway from 2013 Dec – 2014 Feb.
- Dr Bhaskar is a subject expert in various committees under DST/TIFAC/NITI Aayog/CII/MDWS/MoPNG etc.,
- He is a member of the scientific and organizing committee of several national/international symposia in India and abroad and visited several countries to deliver invited/ plenary lectures/technical deliberations.
- A Muto, Y Sakata, T Bhaskar, Development of an Electrolyte for the High Energy Density Capacitor, Japanese Patent: JP2007103464.
- A Muto, Y Sakata, T Bhaskar, Electrolytic Solution, World Patent: WO 2008/105024.
- A Muto, Y Sakata, T Bhaskar, Development of an Electrolyte for the High Energy Density Capacitor, World Patent Applied: WO 2008/020649.
- Y Sakata, A Muto, T Bhaskar, T Yoichi, Microreactor Device for zebra flow without mechanical driving force, Japanese Patent: JP2006231255.
- Y Sakata, A Muto, T Bhaskar, Flow Control Device: Microreactor and Use Thereof, European Patent: EU 1857173.
- Y Sakata, A Muto, T Bhaskar, Flow Control Device: Microreactor and Use Thereof, US Patent: US7938947 B2.
- A Muto, Y Sakata, T Bhaskar, Flow Control Device: Microreactor and Use Thereof,World Patent: WO2006088120.
- Y Sakata, A Muto, T Bhaskar, Y Togawa, Microreactor, Japanese Patent: JP4779173.
- A Muto, Y Sakata, T Bhaskar, Flow Control Device: Microreactor and Use Thereof
- Japanese Patent Application Number: 2007-503721.
- KH Ullah, S Kumar, T Bhaskar, NS Madhusudan, J Kumar, S Sarvjeet, SC Dutt, GM Onkarnath, A unique process for the exclusive production of gasoline, diesel or aromatics along with liquefied petroleum gas from waste polyolefins like polyethylene, polypropylene and low polymer wax, Indian Patent: IN201000676-I1.
- Y Sakata, T Bhaskar, M Inamura, A Muto, S Karagoz, Production method of Phenol Derivatives from Wood Biomass, Japanese Patent: JP 2006076979.
- T Bhaskar, R Singh, B Balagurumurthy, A Prakash, Catalytic Hydrothermal Process for the Production of Bio Oil from Water Hyacinth, Indian Patent Application Number: 3241Del2013 Application Date: 01-11-2013.
- T Kamo, T Bhaskar, JAS Samperio, Technology and apparatus for recovering of valuable materials from e-waste by using steam gasification, Japanese Patent Application Number: 2014-35799 Application Date: 26-02-2014
- T. Bhaskar, A. Prakash, K. Natte, J. Kumar, A. Narani, S. Yenumala, A. Ray, Hydrothermal liquefaction for production of acetosyringone and alkoxy phenolic monomers from lignin, Ref. No.: 0055NF2018.
- Pyrolysis kinetics and thermodynamic parameters of castor (Ricinus communis) residue using thermogravimetric analysis,
R Kaur, P Gera, MK Jha, T Bhaskar,
Bioresource technology 250, 422-428, 2018 - Effect of composting on the thermal decomposition behavior and kinetic parameters of pig manure-derived solid waste,
V Dhyani, MK Awasthi, Q Wang, J Kumar, X Ren, J Zhao, H Chen,
Bioresource technology 252, 59-65, 2018 - Thermal decomposition kinetics of sorghum straw via thermogravimetric analysis,
V Dhyani, J Kumar, T Bhaskar,
Bioresource Technology (2017). - A comprehensive review on the pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass,
T Bhaskar,V Dhyani
Renewable Energy (2017). - Pyrolysis of azolla, sargassum tenerrimum and water hyacinth for production of bio-oil,
B Biswas, R Singh, BB Krishna, J Kumar, T Bhaskar,
Bioresource Technology, (2017).