21 September 2024 6:35 AM
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Type of Membership Membership Fee Entry to Library
R & D Institute/ University/ Government Organization/Educational Institute Rs. 1000/- per year To any person holding the library card and identity card issued by that institute University/Organization
Student Member Rs. 200/- per year Only to the Students/Research scholars holding Membership Card
Consultant Member Rs. 3000/- per year Only to the Consultant
Casual Visitor Rs. 50/- per day Only to the member for the day of the visit
Ex-Employee of CSIR Free of charge Only to the ex-employee holding the ex-employee Identity Card issued by the concerned Lab/CSIR
Corporate Member Rs. 3000/-per person per year To any person holding the corporate membership card and identity card issued by that Organization
Guest, Distinguished Visitors and Dignitaries in the Institute Free of Charge Escorted by concerned official of the Institute

Some organizations give free access to our employees. The staff of such organizations would be given free access to our library on reciprocating basis.

Charges for Photocopying Facilities

  • Photocopying facilities to the outsiders – @ Rs. 2/- per page
  • Complete book will not be photocopied
  • Number of pages to be photocopied by each member per day not to exceed 15

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