19 February 2025 9:44 PM
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The CSIR-IIP library has a unique collection and special users. Library now known as Knowledge Resource Centre (KRC) The main objective of library is to fulfil the information needs/requirements of the employees of the Institute and the petroleum sector at large.
The Library is fully automated and equipped with modern tools and techniques each and every document is bar-coded all modern services like Web OPAC,CAS and SDI has been successfully implemented.KRC has both e-learning facilities and reading through hard copies. KRC is using LibSys software for information storage and retrievals a separate database is also maintained in KOHA (open source software).KRC has more than 17,600 books, and 18,600 bound volumes of periodicals, in addition to International standards. Other than this, library has a good number of Technical Reports, Thesis, Patents, Standards, Specifications, Reprints, Microforms, Micro fiche and CD-ROM pertaining to Petroleum Chemistry, Refining and Separation Sciences. These materials are also available in the domain of Petroleum Technology, Chemical Technology, Engineering Sciences, Analytical Sciences, and Combustion Technology. Beyond the print sources, now more than 4000 full text of e-journals, e-databases, standards, patents are available on line under National Knowledge Resource Consortium (NKRC)(CSIR-DST).

The KRC has open access system. All Print resources are arranged on the basis of UDC Classification Scheme. The online Public Access Catalogue is available to the users at their desktops by which users can search the KRC for the desired information based on Subjects, Author, Title, and Publishers etc. The KRC provides current awareness services. A list of newly received books and loose issues of the journals is also available online. KRC provides on line full text news related to Petroleum and Energy sector published in the eight national news papers same day to the readers at their desktop. A separate desk has created in the KRC for the CSIR consortium for E-Journals access and for access to the ASTM, BIS and SciFinder. The KRC also provides on line SDI service to the scientists. KRC is in the process of developing its Institutional Repository on DSpace (OSS) more than 440 articles written by our scientist with full text is uploaded. 

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