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Summer Training

The students of engineering colleges / universities are required to do summer training in industry or research institute as a pre-requisite for completion of their B.E./ B Tech, M. Tech/ M.Sc degree for 8 to 10 weeks duration. Projects of interest to CSIR-IIP are assigned to the students so that they are exposed to the latest technological developments while working on real life research projects. CSIR-IIP too get benefits with additional manpower support for faster completion of project.

Since institute receives a very large number of requests from Universities, Colleges to train their students/wards from different disciplines/areas. This not only overburdens institute’s infrastructure but sometimes also adversely affects the R&D programmes. In order to streamline procedure for acceptance of such requests following guidelines are framed.

  1. IITs, NITs and other reputed Govt. Institutions students will be preferred for imparting training and the students will not be charged any fees.
  2. Since the institute does have very limited hostel facilities, it will not be possible to provide hostel accommodation to all the trainees.
  3. Number of students from an institution at a time (per semester / year) normally must not exceed eight.
  4. Request for training for a period of minimum 3 months will be preferred.
  5. Summer internship request of B Tech students after completing 3rd year will be considered subject to minimum duration of 8 to 10 weeks project work as per the requirement of parent institute of student.
  6. As per the manpower requirement of CSIR- IIP, second year students of B Tech from prestigious central universities/ institutes like IITs, NITs, ISER etc will also be allowed for minimum 10 weeks of summer/winter internship.
  7. Students with excellent academic record and minimum 7.5 CGPA or 70% marks will be preferred for summer training. In case of large number of requests, written test or interview may also be conducted for short listing of students.
  8. Training will be entertained only in limited subjects such as chemical & mechanical engineering, biotechnology and chemistry. Computer science and Electronics engineering students will be accepted only in case if there is requirement in the institute.
  9. Continuance of training of a student in the institute will be subject to his / her satisfactory conduct and performance. CSIR- IIP will have all the rights to give admission to any students and also to discontinue / terminate the training programme of any student AT any stage.
  10. Trainee will not have any claim on intellectual property rights, of work done at IIP and they have to strictly maintain the confidentiality of Institute’s intellectual property. Any violation /infringement, will be viewed adversely against the student as well as the institution to which he/she belongs and may invite appropriate action.
  11. Trainee will not be allowed to use any institutional infrastructure such as stationary, Xeroxing and binding etc.

Procedure for Submitting Application

Candidates can apply using the online application form after opening of the portal, usually in the month of January each year. Along with the application, candidates have to upload an authorization letter issued by Head of the University / College / Institute. Candidates having specific interest may also contact scientists of their choice to seek their consent before applying. After submitting the on-line application in the prescribed format available at the portal of Training Division, candidates will get a confirmation email. Applications without a Sponsoring Letter from the college duly signed by the Principal / Head of Department will not be accepted.

Important Instructions

  • The students are completely governed by the rules and regulations of CSIR-IIP.
  • Every batch of students or individual student, as the case may be, will have a scientific/technical project guide from one of the Divisions at CSIR-IIP. The college can however nominate one of its staff members to co-ordinate on academic matters and liaise with IIP.
  • During vacation / college holidays (other than Saturdays/Sundays), till the project work is complete, students are required to be at CSIR- IIP premises from 09.00 am to 05.30 pm. During training period, they should indicate the slots allotted for project work in the college time-table and must be present on all such days at CSIR- IIP.
  • The students will not be eligible for any transport facility. CSIR-IIP hostel accommodation may be available depending upon availability.
  • Within the institute premises and during working hours, the students should wear the CSIR- IIP identity badge and also carry the college identity card.
  • Library facility at CSIR- IIP is limited to referencing only; borrowing of books / journals is not extended to the students. However xerox copies may be obtained from the Library on payment of necessary charges.
  • The college should take the entire responsibility in case of loss or damage to CSIR-IIP property caused by the students.
  • CSIR-IIP will not be responsible for any injury / loss / damage that may occur to the students during the tenure of their training/project work.
  • If the progress is not satisfactory, the concerned student/s may be advised by CSIR- IIP to discontinue the training/project work.
  • Please note that the project report prepared for the college and for CSIR- IIP are required to be identical in all respects. Two copies are required to be submitted to CSIR-IIP – one each to the project guide and Head Training, before submitting the final copy to the college.
  • The students must furnish a “No – Demand Certificate” to Training Division in the prescribed format after completion of project work along with a soft copy and hard copy of the project report.
  • The Director, CSIR-IIP may initiate disciplinary action against erring students and decision of the Director is final and binding on the students and colleges.
  • The project students/Trainees and their college/staff members shall have no claim whatsoever on the results of the project work.CSIR- IIP retains all intellectual property rights in patents, designs, software copyright (source code) and publications if any that may be generated during the course of project work.
  • The college certificate in the project report prescribed by the college / university, the cover page and all certificates in the project report should categorically reflect that the place of project work is CSIR- IIP. The acknowledgement sheet in the project report should mention the name of the scientist who has guided at CSIR-IIP and the Director, IIP prominently.

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