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Current Students/वर्तमान छात्र

Name E Mail IDs Research Topic Research Division Supervisor
Jayati TrivediJayati Trivedi jtrivedi@iip.res.in Photobioreactor studies of Scenedesmus obliquus for growth and lipid production BFD Dr Neeraj Atrey/Dr Deepti Agrawal
img-newBotcha N Naidu nnaidu@iip.res.in Oxidative conversion of methane to fuels CCD Dr V V D N Prasad
Astha Shukla
asthashuklaiip@gmail.com Development of nanocatalysts for reduction of nitroarenes and C-C bond coupling LSPD Dr Rajaram Bal
img-newShubhadeep Adak shubhadeep_adak@yahoo.com Development of nanocatalysts for preferential oxidation (PROX) of carbon monoxide for practical use in fuel cells LSPD Dr Rajaram Bal
img-newKanika Gupta 2010kanika@gmail.com Carbonaceous Material for Wastewater Treatment CSD Dr O P Khatri
Sachin Kumar SharmaSachin Kumar Sharma sachinsharmaorg.chem@gmail.com Selective catalytic hydrogenation of CO2 to methanol LSPD Dr Rajaram Bal
Ajay Chouhan
ajaychouhan09.chem@gmail.com Chemically-Functionalized Graphene: Lubricant Additive to Thin Film Lubrication CSD Dr O P Khatri
img-newAnurag Kumar anukmnbd@gmail.com Metal-semiconductor hybrid materials for photocatalytic organic transformations CMSD Dr Suman Lata Jain
Abhilek K Nautiyal abhilek_nautiyal@yahoo.in Bacterial Cytochrome P450 based protein engineering approach to biotransformation of PAH/FA BBA/MRED Dr Debashish Ghosh
Megha Sailwal meghasailwal01@gmail.com


Carbon flux assessment of an oleaginous yeast through metabolomics BBA/MRED Dr Debashish Ghosh/ Dr Diptarka Dasgupta
img-newAmzad Khan mzcy47@gmail.com Lubrication Aspects of Halogen Free Ionic Liquids CSD Dr O P Khatri
Neha Bansal
bansal.neha99@gmail.com Feasibility study of biomass derived Yeast Single Cell Oil as Dietary supplement. BBA/MRED Dr Debashish Ghosh
img-newJitendra Diwakar oli.jitendra@gmail.com Functionalized Nanomaterials: Novel Synthesis Routes and Catalytic Applications.  CCD Dr N Vishwanadham
img-newSaurabh Kumar tsaurabh56@gmail.com Synthesis of Novel Porous Nano –Materials as Catalysts for the Production of Fuel and Chemicals LSPD Dr N Vishwanadham
img-newPankaj Kumar Prajapati meetpankaj89@gmail.com Photochemical activation of CO2 into high-value chemicals using hybrid materials CMSD Dr Suman Lata Jain
img-newAdarsh Kumar adarshchemistry@gmail.com Upgradation of lignin derived bio-oil. MRED Dr T Bhaskar
img-newSangita Kumari kushwahasangita@gmail.com Development of Two dimensional layered nanomaterials as lubricant additives CSD Dr O P Khatri/Dr S S Ray
Rishi Kumar
rishiv.21@gmail.com Valorization of greenhouse gases LSPD Dr Ankur Bardoloi/Dr Shubham Paul
Nazia Siddiqui
naziasiddiqui1990@gmail.com Synthesis of nanostructured catalysts for the hydrogenation of biomass derived platform molecules to value added chemicals LSPD Dr Rajaram Bal/ Dr Chanchal Samanta (BPCL)
Gurmeet Singh gurmeetsinghiip@gmail.com Valorization of furfural and furfural derivatives to value-added chemicals (Selective and controlled hydrogenation of Furfural and its derivatives  to FA, MTHF,CPO, GBL, LA) LSPD Dr Ankur Bardoloi/Dr P Mondal (IITRoorkee)
Ekta Faujdar
ektafaujdar15@gmail.com Synthesis of multi-functional additive ASD Dr R K Singh
img-newRubina Khatun rubian.nbd@gmail.com Synthesis of nano structured catalysts and their application in the C-H activation and oxidation reactions. LSPD Dr Rajaram Bal/ Dr Chanchal Samanta (BPCL)
Amit Kumar
amitakela25@gmail.com Preparation of Petroleum pitch precursor and Carbon wool from Petroleum residue SPD Dr Manoj Srivastava
img-newPratiksha Joshi prachijoshi2013@gmail.com Three-dimensional foams for environmental application CSD Dr O P Khatri /Dr Manoj Srivastava
Jyoti Gahtori
jyotigahtori1995@gmail.com Aqueous phase Fischer Tropsch synthesis CSD Dr Ankur Bordoloi /Dr Subham Paul
Bijoy Biswas
bijoybiswas1990@gmail.com Hydrothermal liquefaction of lignin and aquatic biomass for the production of value-added products. MRED Dr Thallada Bhaskar
img-newSandhya Saini sainisandhya1255@gmail.com Photocatalytic C-H activation of organic compounds CMSD Dr Suman Lata Jain
img-newHimani Negi himaninegi93@gmail.com Combating the problems associated with heavy and waxy crude oil. ASD Dr R K Singh
Neha Sharma
sharma.neha14495@gmail.com Thin film lubrication for micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS) TCD Dr Anjan Ray

Sonu Bhandari
sonubhandarijsss@gmail.com Synthesis of nanostructured catalyst for the selective oxidation of hydrocarbons LSPD Dr Rajaram Bal /Dr V V D N Prasad
Ankit Kumar Agrawal
aka895@gmail.com Synthesis of Nanosized Zeolites for Low-Temperature Continuous Production of Propylene. UWRD Dr Bipul Sarkar
img-newAman Kumar Bhonsle aman5bhonsle@gmail.com The synthesis of multifunctional additive for alternative fuel BFD Dr Neeraj Atray / Dr Jasvinder Singh
img-newOmvir Singh omvir10011995@gmail.com Production of aromatics hydrocarbons (BTX) by catalytic upgrading of a pre stabilized nonedible vegetable seed oil UWRD Dr Suman L Jain/ Dr. Bipul Sarkar
img-newAvinash Kumar avnishjoshi9@gmail.com Catalytic lignin oxidation to value added chemicals. BCA/MRED Dr Thallada Bhaskar
Arfin Imam
arfinimam@gmail.com Development of multifunctional microbial consortium for removal of petroleum toxicants from soil and sludge MRED/ASD Dr Pankaj K Kanaujia / Dr Debashish Ghosh
Tripti Sharma
sharma.tripti781@gmail.com Production of yeast single cell oil from lignocellulosic biomass and its assessment as biofuel and oleochemicals BBA/MRED Dr Debashish Ghosh / Dr Neeraj Atray
Sudeep K Ganguly sganguly@iip.res.in Studies on Foaming, Mechanistic and Kinetics Aspects of catalytic Thiol oxidation in LPG Sweetening CMSD Dr. Anjan Ray/ Dr. C B Majumdar (IIT Roorkee) 
Shivam Rawat
shivamrawatsr@gmail.com Catalytic Oxidative Depolymerization of biomass/lignin to high value chemicals MRED Dr Thallada Bhaskar / Dr Anand Narani
Ashish Rautela
rautelaashish465@gmail.com New generation catalysts process for the production of aromatics: Mesoporous aluminosilicates prepared from Na-free medium as potential catalysts for the production of aromatics from hydrocarbon streams under study. Comparing with standard reforming catalysts for improved liquid yields LSPD Dr N Viswanadham
Vishakha Goyal
goyalvishakha1994@gmail.com Hydrogen borrowing and hydrogenation reactions CMSD Dr Kishore Natte / Dr Thallada Bhaskar
Ankit Mishra
ankitmishraji1991@gmail.com Sustainable energy and fuel production by using nano-catalysts. HRFA/BFD Dr Anil Sinha
Bhavna Saini
bhavnasaini.du88@iip.res.in; Development of zeolite based catalysts for the conversion of bio mass derived feed stocks for the produciton of aromatics and other chemicals LSPD Dr N Viswanadham
Akash Verma
akashvikas0007@gmail.com; Studies on the catalyst development for the synthesis of polyether polyols and polycarbonate polyols. LSPD Dr N Viswanadham / Dr Umesh Kumar
Vikas Verma
vikasverma9891@gmail.com; Development of nano-catalysts for the hydrogen production, and hydroprocessing HRFA/BFD Dr Anil Sinha
Komal Saini
sainikomal116@gmail.com Functional chemicals and catalyst/sorbent from lignin MRED Dr Thallada Bhaskar / Dr Kishore Natte
Md Jahiruddin Gazi
mdjahiruddingazi100@gmail.com Oxidative activation of Methane (Catalytic partial oxidation of methane to Syngas as well as alcohols ) LSPD Dr Ankur Bordoloi / Dr Sunil Kumar
Naina Sarki
sarki.naina@gmail.com Renewable Carbon Supported Catalysts for Industrial Hydrogenation Reactions  CMSD Dr Kishore Natte / Dr Anjan Ray
swatisaini1792@gmail.com Development of value-added products through the catalytic conversion of bioethanol. LSP/CMSD Dr N Viswanadham / Dr Umesh Kumar
Bhawna Sharma sbhawna411@gmail.com Solution polymerization of higher linear alpha olefins CMSD/ PMA Dr. Umesh Kumar
Vijendra Singh vijendranegi8@gmail.com Catalyst development studies for the value addition of industrial feedstock  LSPD Dr. N Viswanadham
Gaje Singh gajjirawat1994@gmail.com; CO2 and CO hydrogenation to value-added chemicals. LSPD/NANO
Dr. Ankur Bordoloi /
Dr. Sunil Kumar(SPD)
Neha nandaln77@gmail.com Development of heterogenized molecular complexes for photo-electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 to Chemicals  CMSD Dr. Suman Lata Jain
Neha Dhiman dhiman.neha424@gmail.com Heterogenous Catalyst for the synthesis of petrochemical using dehydration / dehydrogenation properties of metal nano- particles & hydrophobic metal oxide UWRD Dr. Bipul Sarakar /Dr. Y S  Reddy
Rohan Singh Pal rohansinghpal@gmail.com Oxidative coupling of Methane over nanostructured catalyst LSPD 
Dr Rajaram Bal /Dr  VVDN Prasad
Azeem Khan azeemkhan90122@gmail.com Catalytic route to renewable fuel and strategic sector fuel. HRFA/BFD Dr. A K Sinha/Dr. M Anand
Himanshu Raghav himanshuraghav58@gmail.com Development of supported materials for chemical conversion of CO2 to olefins UWRD Dr. Bipul Sarkar/ Dr. Shailendra Tripathi
Neeraj Pal pal.neeraj308@gmail.com Hydroprocessing route for sustainable renewable fuel HRFA/BFD Dr. Anil Kumar Sinha
Ramesh Nath Goswamy rameshgoswami9568@gmail.com; Corrosion Protection using 2D composite materials (PANI/GO) SST/CMSD Dr. Anjan Ray
Narendra Singh ns84778@gmail.com Adsorbent development for methane storage AMS/SPD Dr Aarti / Dr Soumen Das Gupta
Baint Singh baint8888@gmail.com Value addition of Lignin-derived Feedstocks to High-Value Fine Chemicals and Bioactive Compounds MRED Dr. Anand Narani
Ayan Banerjee ayancevs@gmail.com Utilization of different carbonaceous wastes and/or industrial waste streams to achieve resources efficiency by biochemical and thermochemical conversion processes MRED Dr. D Ghosh / Dr. Y S Reddy
Shaifali Bhardwaj shaifali309@gmail.com Combined chemoenzymatic processing of Biomass BFD/MRED Dr. Anil K Sinha / Dr. D Ghosh
Anil C Kothari ackothari95@gmail.com Catalytic transformation of methane to aromatics.  LSPD Dr. Rajaram Bal/ Dr. V.V.D.N. Prasad
Bhanu Joshi bhanu.joshi039@gmail.com Development of Carbon-Supported Single Atom clusters heterogeneous catalysis (SAHC) for the alternate Production of Basic petrochemical Building Blocks UWRD Dr. Bipul Sarkar 
Anil Malik anilmalik1223@gmail.com Photoelectrocatalytic activation of CO2 and simultaneous coupling with other organic substrates  CMSD Suman L Jain
Sakshi Bhatt sakshibhatt2221@gmail.com Solar assisted carboxylation/ hydroformylation of terpenes to valuable chemicals CMSD Suman L Jain
Ripudaman S Negi ripudaman.negi@gmail.com Broad Area: Tribology and Lubricants; Topic yet to be finalized. TCD R K Singh/Dr. GD Thakre
Shivani Singh shivanishivu42@gmail.com Utilization of red mud for catalytic transformation reaction.  LSPD Dr. Rajaram Bal/ Dr. V.V.D.N. Prasad
Jitendra Kumar jeetu@iip.res.in Thermo-catalytic conversion of natural and synthetic polymer mixtures  MRED Dr. T Bhaskar/Prof KK Pant, IIT Delhi
Mhetre Avinash S asmhetre@iip.res.in CFD of Non-Newtonian Fluids in Chemical Engineering Systems SPD/MSA Dr. Sunil Kumar/Dr. Amit Dhiman
SUMAN DALAKOTI dalakotisuman97@gmail.com Adsorbent Based Intervention for Extending Shelf Life of Climacteric Fruits AMS/SPD Dr. Soumen Dasgupta/ Dr. O P Khatri
AMOD KUMAR amodkumarcsir@gmail.com Development of Industrially Viable Polymers via Utilization of Carbon Dioxide PMA/CMSD Dr. Umesh Kumar/Dr. Anjan Ray
ASHUTOSH RAWAT ashutosh.rawat0066@gmail.com   DHOP Dr. Prem Lama / Dr. S K Maity
PRATIBHA pratibhanegi707@gmail.com Studies on conversion of waste plastic to specialty chemicals UWRD Dr. Ajay Kumar / Dr. Sanat Kumar
SONU sonudhakla@gmail.com     Dr. C V Pramod/ Dr. Anil Sinha
JYOTISHMAN KAISHYOP jyotishmankaishyop1996@gmail.com Design and development of Nanostructured catalyst system and a process for CO2 hydrogenation to formic acid. LSPD Dr. Ankur Bordoloi
ANCHAL PANDEY anchalpandey188@gmail.com     Dr. O P Khatri
RAMANDEEP KAUR ramandeep.jaura302@gmail.com     Dr. Thallada Bhaskar / Dr. Bhavya
DEEPAK KHURANA dkhurana502@gmail.com     Dr. Rajaram Bal /Dr. Tuhin S Khan
AMISHA amishaarora460@gmail.com     Dr. T Senthil Kumar/Dr. Umesh Kumar
MEENU JINDAL meenujindal126@gmail.com     Dr. Thallada Bhaskar/Dr. Palla V C Sekhar
MAHESH KUMAR maheshkumarjayk12@gmail.com Development of Solid-acid catalysts for production of petrochemicals from Crude-derived  feedstocks SPD Dr. N Viswanadham / A Selvamani
NEHA neha1910rawat@gmail.com Biosurfactant from non-edible oil / used cooking oil and their applications BFD Dr. Neeraj Atrey

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