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Evaluation and Examination/मूल्यांकन और परीक्षा

The academic courses follow continuous evaluation procedure throughout the semester in forms of class tests, quiz, assignment, seminar or presentation on special topic, midterm and end term examinations and other procedure and the course coordinator may decide upon the evaluation procedures depending upon the course being taught. The end semester examination shall have maximum weightage of forty percent (40%) of the assessment marks for a course. Depending on the nature of the subject, faculties may opt for open or close book examination. The grading system to be followed for coursework shall be as specified in the following Table, namely:

Sr. No. Letter Grade Performance Numerical Value
1 A+ Outstanding 10
2 A Excellent 9
3 B+ Very Good 8
4 B Good 7
5 C+ Fair 6
6 C Poor 4
7 F Very Poor 2
8 I Incomplete 0
9 S Satisfactory (for audit course)
10 X Unsatisfactory (for audit course)

The formulae for calculating Semester Grade Point Average and Cumulative Grade Point Average shall be:
Semester Grade Point Average = {Sum of (Course credit X Numerical value of course grade)} / Total course credits earned in the semester;
Cumulative Grade Point Average = Cumulative points scored in all passed courses / Cumulative credits earned;
The brief concept of the letter grades: CGPA = Summation of Ci Gi/Summation of Ci
Ci is credit point and Gi is grade point. The numerical interpretation of the letter grade has only relation to the calculation of Semester Grade Point Average and Cumulative Grade Point Average and the letter grade cannot be awarded as a fractional number. For example, if an Instructor has awarded B+ grade to a student, then he earns full 8.0 grade point on that course. The grade point cannot be 8.2 or 7.8. The grade point shall be multiplied by the corresponding credit of the course and then Semester Grade Point Average and Cumulative Grade Point Average shall be calculated based on the formula given above. The grades have to be within the ranges of A+, A, B+, B, C+ in order to pass the course. The “C” is a fail grade. The instructor shall draw a histogram based on the performance of the students in the course. Then he shall decide what should be the minimum pass mark for that course. Thereafter, he shall decide on a range (for example, minimum + X marks, X being six or seven or eight marks) and assign that range as C+, the immediate upper range should be assigned a letter grade of B and so on. If the instructor sees that nobody is truly outstanding in the histogram, he need not even award A+ in that course for that particular batch of students. The instructor is free to choose the minimum pass marks, and hence the pass grade is mapped there, depending on the standard of the examinations or assignments and the standard of performance of the students in the course.
Illustration: While mapping the absolute marks onto the letter grades, the investigator in-charge shall ensure the grade he proposes to award. One student may get 55 or 58 (out of 100) as his or her actual marks, but the onus is on the Instructor to declare whether the student is C+ or C. The instructor has the liberty to declare 58 as C+ and he has to be convinced that the student deserves a C+ grade. Likewise, the investigator in-charge has to assign A+, A and other grade based on the performance of the students in the course.
A student shall have a Semester Grade Point Average >6.0 in each semester and a Cumulative Grade Point Average >6.5 from second semester onwards for continuation and the minimum grade point to be earned to pass any subject shall be 6.0.
The course coordinator shall submit the grades of the students in accordance with the academic calendar.
The confidential feedback from the students will be obtained for each course for continuous improvement of the programme and the feedback form shall be developed by the Coordinator, CSIR-IIP with guidance of Director, CSIR-IIP depending on the course being taught.
The PhD student shall have at least one thesis supervisor from amongst the faculty members of the Academy in the CSIR-IIP and no student shall have more than two supervisors from the CSIR-IIP. The Academy may appoint another co-supervisor from outside the CSIR-IIP, if necessary. The co-supervisor may be a faculty member of the Academy or not. The institute shall evolve modalities for appointment of supervisors keeping in view of the aspirations of the students and the research interest of the faculty.

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